Cookie / data protection and privacy policy

Cookie policy in accordance with EU law

Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of the website or as part of the security of this site. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we put on your computer.

Any cookie we set will only contain random but unique information which is set to expire when you close the browser. The cookie does not contain any personal or sensitive information.

The cookie information can only be used by the browser when it sends requests for new web pages to our servers - the browser will not allow the cookie to be used for any other purpose. The cookie information will always be protected by strong encryption whenever the content is sent to us.

The use of these cookies are essential for the correct and secure operation of our website.
Cookies which we may set include:

  • oleeo_session: This may be set for users visiting * domain. This is used to identify an authenticated user. It is set when a user logs in. If set to a valid value, then the user will not need to log in for subsequent requests.

  • Crsf-token: This may be set for users visiting * domain. It is only used as a security measure to protect the user from cross-site-request-forgery attacks. A token is issued when the server responds to a request with a new page and this token must be supplied in a cookie when the user makes a subsequent request as a result of taking action on the page.

  • idservice_session: This may be set for users visiting which is an identity provider service which allows users to have single-sign-on across multiple * domains. Use of is optional but if the option is chosen then this cookie is essential to the function of the identity provider service.

Data protection and privacy policy

Click here to view the statement.